Applebee's Corporation
Good customer Skills and outstanding image for the company - Bankplus

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

I went in to my local store which I come here often; however, their is this one particular manager in Meridian ms Michael which is an outstanding worker... Everytime I go into the business he always doing more than average and I think he dont get recongize for all the things he do for the company core valves. All the other managers never help please like this certain individual. I spoke with him and inform him that someone will notice what he do for the comapny and move him to a higher position bc he do more than should be ask of him and just by being in Applebees many individuals notice him and I hope as for as the corporation of Applebees this is just one of the few I encounter that does what need to be done to show a positive outlook for a company overrall and not just a certain individuals but care about the people and never complain when doing multi of jobs within the store itself...

Company: Applebee's Corporation
Country: USA
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