Zinc Bistro, Scottsdale Arizona
Zinc Bistro, Scottsdale Arizona Zinc Bistro Terrible Service

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

Terrible, TERRIBLE, TERRIBLE service. We are treated poorly every time we go to Zinc Bistro! The location is super, but the service is a disaster.

I am appalled at the way they treat my family, as customers. The MGMT seem to be the worst, but the servers are terrible as well.

I am NOT a fan of Zinc Bistro in Scottsdale Arizona. I will never go back to Zinc Bistro. Even though its in Kierland, I will avoid it like the plague.

Company: Zinc Bistro, Scottsdale Arizona
Country: USA
Phone: 4806030922
Site: zincbistroaz.com
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Azul Bistro
It's a meatfest at Azul Bistro

Prime Rank
Tangle logic Royal zinc Not at all faithful company

Tim Ziaja, Zinc, Ltd
Tim Ziaja, Zinc, LTD Has not paid me over $3,000 that was billed on November 9

Timothy Ziaja, Zinc, A Marketing Guild
Timothy Ziaja, Zinc, A Marketing Guild Timothy Ziaja, Zinc, A Marketing Guild Timothy Ziaja, Zinc, A Marketing Guild owes me compensation for the work I did over 14 months ago

Timothy Ziaja, Zinc, A Marketing Guild
Timothy (also "Tim" Or "Timmy) Ziaja, Zinc, A Marketing Guild Tim Ziaja of Zinc owes outside vendors thousands of dollars

De la Cruz Bistro
S Bistro, Chef Brian Banasek.De La Cruz REFUSED to pay me my wages

Puritan's Pride
Failed to put Calcium, Magnesium, or Zinc in the supplement which caused a massive muscle cramp/pull

Montes bistro
Bullshit service

Timothy Ziaja, Zinc, A Marketing Guild
Tim Ziaja, ZINC, ZINC LTD Unpaid invoices 6 months over due

Sham company, products made me really ill! 25