Taco Bell
Poor service

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

Every time i go to taco bell through the drive threw they are rude and my drinks are never full the place of buisness in maysville kentucky has a night shift that is a big joke for employees they wont give you a receipt so you never know who waited on you or they exact time you were there

Company: Taco Bell
Country: USA
State: Kentucky
City: Maysville
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Taco Bell
Food Poisoning

Taco bell
Taco bell - Chicken flatbread

Taco Bell
Quality of food

Taco bell
Close the store - tacos

Taco Bell
Wet Tacos

Taco Bell
Day-old Taco Salad

Taco Bell
More like Taco Hell - the canned meat Taco

Taco Bell/Tyson's Food, Inc
Broken teeth

Taco Bell
Bad service

Taco Bell