Frank's Honeybun Cafe

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

In Nov Mr. Rod Donaldson came into my business to offer a low rate of POS & newmachine for processing. His assured melower transaction rates & better services provided by MSI, along with a
cash offer of $200.00 sign up bonus to offset the penaltyshould I switch from Moneris. During the discussion Ispecifically asked what the consequences are if I was to cancel my contractwith MSI in the future. His replywas that there would be a $200.00cancelation charge. To this day I have not receivedthat $200.00 sign up offer. Eventually Isigned the contract he had with him. Atthat time I/we did not review the contract. Mr. Donaldson did not he point out any details of the contract or haveme initial any pertinent aspects of the contract, nor did he leave a copy ofi
2 days later Mr. Donaldson returned and askedfor another signature on a different form. It was during a busy hour when I was serving my customers. Against my better judgement I signed. The copy of this form or original contract signed was not sent to me till the New Year aroundmid January.
In the lateDecember I received the debit machine just a few days before the shop closedfor my family vacation. After comingback, on January 8th, Mr. Rod Donaldson came in and setup themachine and reviewed instructions with me on how to use the machine. From thatvery day, I received many complaints from customers on the machine all statingthat the machine is extremely slow in performance. Also, I realized that when using a chipcredit card there would be no tip option. On January 12th, I phone MSI to complain about machine, the service employee instructed me thatthe transaction speed problem was due to the use of dial up connection andrecommended me to setup an internet. For the tip option problem, he told methat they will phone me back in 3 days. On January 14th, MSI phonesand instructs me to download software that will fix the tip option problem. Ifollowed his every word and did as told. I tested it but it did not work. The service employee then told me that theywould do investigation on the program and say that they would phone meback. It was then they suggested that Iwould need internet. I arranged for the internet service to be installed. On January 21st, my internet setup was completed and I phoned them that it was ready forconnection but they told me that they would phone in 3 days. On Thursday, January 28th, nobody called me within the week so I phone them tosee if they were ready. I ask them and they replied with a no, this frustratedme because the setup of the POS has taken so long. I told the service employeethat if the switch to internet connection is not ready by Monday, February 1st, I will close my account. Still MSI didnot call me on that day. On the same day, February 1st, I phone MSI and asked them what their fax number isand they question me Why? I respond back that I wanted to fax a terminationform to them. He puts me to the customer care department, the representative Iwas sent too was by the name of Mr. Darryl Peppers voicemail box. I left him amessage saying to call me back. But noone calls me by February 4th, so on the same day I phone them andtold them I just want their fax number; I then finally received it so I faxedthe termination form over to MSI. I phone them again that I wanted to close myaccount; I also called Mr Donaldson that I wanted to close my account. He triesto convince me to continue their services. I reply back that both theircustomer and POS services are too poor therefore I wish to discontinue theirservices. Next day, Mr. Rod Donaldson came into my business to ask me all details on why I wanted toclose my account and said that he will personally send a letter to thecompany. I go through all the issueswith him and insisted that the account be closed. Right after he left, MSI calls me thattheir ready for download. I said that myaccount is already closed. I ask them to forward me to customer care departmentto personally talk to Daryl Peppers. Once they put me to him I asked him on howI can return my debit machine, he said that the machine does not belong to thembut belongs to NLS, the leasing company, he instructed me to phone NLS. So after that discussion, I phone NLS. They told me that the lease is noncancellable. This was the very firsttime I heard that the machine was from a 2nd company & not fromMSI which is the company that Mr. Donaldson voiced that he was representing when he presented himself &the contract to me. It was at thistime that I pulled out the contract & showed it to a business friend. The friend pointed out that there were twologos on the contract. Mr. Donaldson most certainly had not pointed that out during our initial orsubsequent conversations, or when I signed the first or 2nd form forhim. Mr Donaldson failed to mentionthat the machine was not owned by MSI. I call Mr Rod Donaldson; He acted surprised tohear that I could not return the machine. At that point he promised to contact his boss at MSI. He assured me that on February 8thMonday he would phone me back. Monday came; again, he did not call me. I callhim on February 10th, Wednesday, and he tells me to phone MSIcustomer Care. So I phone Daryl Peppers and asked him how I can cancel my leaseof the machine and he replies that he cant do anything. I am still waiting for instructionson how to return this debit machine which has been unhooked and Sitting in thebox since Jan. 29. Where do I send it? From Saturday March 13 to FridayMarch 19 I have received 4 phone calls. 2 to my place of business which is disruptive taking focus away from thecustomers & 2 to my home. I have made it clear during each call thatthe machine is not being used & that the obligations outlined in thecontract have not been met. TheCustomer service & support is not available.

Company: Frank's Honeybun Cafe
Country: USA
State: British Columbia
City: Victoria
Address: 605 Yates Street
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First Data Global Leasing

Street Signs USA - Pac Sign
RIPOFF These thieves will take your money but send you nothing!

Wholesale Merchant Processing
Attempted to sstop contract before 3 days-told contract was noncancable, fraud about would pay balance contract on old machine, fee not less thann old machine

ABC Processing
Very dishonest! Had us sign a contract then gave us broken machine and never returned our calls or replaced the machine. Stole $855 from our bank account

Northern Leasing Systems
Inc. New York New York Velocity Merchant services (VMS) Debit Machine Lease Agreetment Scam

First Data
Misrepresentation took money no work

MBF Leasing
WoW I Have Been Taken

Lease Finance Group
CIT ripoff Credit Card Machine not used business closed

MBF Leasing, LLC And Merchant Services
Northern Leasing Knows I didn't sign contract but won't release me from lease

MBF Leasing
Credit Card Processing/Machine Leasing