Burger King
Very wrong - EMPLOYEES

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

My aunt Terry sent this to me today. This is a true story that happened to her today (12/24/09). It will make you mad! Unbelievable that people could treat someone like this. What my aunt didn't mention was that this woman wasn't a teenager that worked at burger king, but a woman in her 40's, though it would be just as bad no matter what age she was. Please read this and pass it on. Thank you, Jeremiah Wilson

A lady came into our shop today to pay off her account. To let you know something about this ladies character I would like to share what I know of her. Our business provided a service to her this December. On the date that she agreed to pay she came to the shop and said that she would not be able to pay at this time but that she would pay on her next pay day (December 24). She left and we surmised that we would never see her or our money again. (shame on us!) On December 24, true to her word she came to the shop and paid her account in full. She stayed for awhile and related this story with us. We realize that of course there are two sides to every story but I believe this person's account of what happened. I do not know this person at all so I will relate and my give opinion of the situation, you can make your own assumption of the situation.

It seems that at the Burger King on 4508 Yellowstone Avenue, Chubbuck, Idaho 83202 they had their annual Christmas party. It must have been a potluck, as everyone was suppose to bring something. This lady knew about the party, she showed up early by one half hour because she was suppose to work the shift that day. She was unable to bring anything for the potluck as she could not afford it.

She was told that she could not participate in the party because she had not brought anything to share. She was also told that she could not be loitering around waiting for her shift to begin. She was told to wait in her vehicle until it was time to begin her shift. She said that she went to her car and cried because she felt humiliated. This is not your typical teenager, I would guess her to be in her forties.

She came in to start her shift to find that the food was all locked up in the managers office. She completed her shift and prepared to leave. The manager opened the office and invited the rest of the employee's to share the left overs. This lady decided that she no longer wanted to be employed at this place of business and quit her job. (I can't say that I blame her for that) She went in to pick up her check, I would guess at about 10:00 A.M. And was told that they could actually make her wait until 3:00P.M. If they wanted too. (she came to our place of business to pay her account at 10:30 A.M.

She really never said anything bad about her former employer, only that her feelings had been hurt over the party incident.

I guess that maybe I am a bleeding heart but I really wanted to know if it was really as bad as it sounded so I called Burger King and asked to talk with the manager, not the shift manager, the manager of the store. The person who answered the phone identified theirselve as "Linda"ans said that she was the manager. I identified myself by first and last name and asked her to do the same. She became very defensive and wanted to know what this was regarding. I began the story, she very abruptly and rudely said that she didn't want too, and would not discuss it with me, then she hung up on me. It really was none of my business but I just absolutely could not believe that this story could be this sad without some provocation. If she would have just talked with me the problem would have been resolved. NOW, I promise that I will NEVER, EVER do business at this particular BURGER KING.

Have a Merry Christmas and keep the reason for the season in your heart

Company: Burger King
Country: USA
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