Eccellente Gormet coffee
Posible Class Action, Companies like this need to know that they can not prey off of hard working Americans

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

Like most of you out their I was taken advantage of by the owner and staff at Eccellente Gourmet Coffee. The owner and members of the staff assured me that I would make money in the first year, and in the event that the locations were not profitable, in that years time, then they would pay for new ones. All the claims that were made by mr. Mike umile never came true. As an individual it is and would be hard to act against verbal part of the contract. My hope is that if more than one group of people stand up to say that this events happened then it will show that the assurance were valid part of the contract. If anyone is interested please contact me at

Company: Eccellente Gormet coffee
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Bacon Raton
Address: 1700 N Dixie HWY
Phone: 9193416388
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Mike Umile, Presidente Of Eccellente Gourmet Coffee
This company promised us 7 coffee vending machines we paid over $26,000.00, and we have nothing to show for it

Eccellente Gourmet Coffee - Michael Umile, Arthur S
Eccellente Gourmet Coffee - Michael Umile Arthur S. I too was RIPPED-OFF!

Eccellente Gourmet Coffee
I was ripped of by these people too Baca Roton

Eccellente Gourmet Coffee
Eccellente Gourmet Coffee They took money and sent three machines to me and never provided support. Now machines are not working and I lost over US$12K

Royal Gormet Coffee
I have bought into the business and have only received display racks and no coffee as of yet

Royal Gourmet Coffee, Royal Burgundy International, Steve Bryant, Gordon Byron
I fell for a scam. I never dreamed something like this would happen to me

Royal Gourmet Coffee
Continental Gourmet Coffee, Coffeeman, Twin Peaks Coffee FRAUD SCAM RIPOFF Continental Gourmet Coffee, The Coffee Man, Coffee Distributorship Took my money for coffee distributorship but didn't deliver

Best Gourmet Coffee
Is under New Name Campridg Coffee ripoff people the same way so WATCH OUT Ripoff

World Gym
They tried to charge for classes that were free

Royal Gourmet International Coffee
Royal Gourmet Coffee - Steve Bryant - Gordon Byron - Dave Evans - Matt Dillon Sold scam coffee distributorship closed business took money