Everything and the Kitchen Sink - all the above and more

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

When I went to McDonald's last night after going to see a movie with my grandparents, everything that could have gone wrong did go wrong. First, they were out of decaf coffee for my Grandpa, out of regular cups (we had to use Happy Meal cups instead), and out of ketchup cups. Now, ordinarily this would be somewhat understandable, as it was pretty late at night on New Year's Day and they probably had many customers all day long. However, this is hardly where the problems ended. We didn't get a receipt, our food was cold, and my chicken club sandwich was completely raw. It was still completely and utterly pink, and I wouldn't have been surprised if it started clucking at me. I got a different sandwich, and it was raw again. Not only were the sandwiches lacking, but the cappuccino my grandpa got instead of the decaf coffee was cold and basically only hot water. We did complain again before leaving, and we got two more sandwiches that have yet to be eaten and two coupons for free McCafe's. Personally, I think they could have done much better than that; after all, everything that could have gone wrong, did.

Company: McDonalds
Country: USA
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Poor Customer Service

No sugar free, or decaf

Dunkin Donuts
Dunkin Donuts Bad Mornign cup of coffee - coffee

McDonald's Fast Food
McCafe promotion 2 for the price of 1 or 2? Cashier sometimes doesn't count McCafe iced coffee as McCafe

McDonalds food review

Burger King
Unhappy Customer - It is more than one thing. Read my comment above

Burger King
New bitter coffee - coffee

Ripoff served raw chicken sandwiches

Very Rude

Wrong orde