Pizza Hut, Betty Carter, Thompson & Brock
Pizza Hut, Betty Carter, Discrimination against American Indians, outdated food to Globe customers, more employee rip-offs

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

On July 20th Recieved the following e-mail:

Subj: Please read
Date: 7/20/01 8:42: 38 PM US Mountain Standard Time
From: snoopy_do@XXXXXX

Hi, I am the daughter an ex-employee to the Pizza Hut in globe, AZ she was a manager under the owner Betty Carter and her name is Deborah. She asked me to e-mail you all asking you to call her, I do not know anything at all about the situation and she does not have computer access, so could you please call her at 520-xxx-xxxx. Thank you.


Usa Consumer then called Deborah, @ 9:00 PM the evening, of 7/20/01

Deborah, who seems to be an older woman, stated that she had been the Manager of Globe Pizza Hut for almost a year. Deborah wanted to quit her job as manager of the Pizza Hut in Globe Arizona. Deborah gave her notice on the 8 of July to leave on the 15th, and was begged to stay by supervisor and self claimed owner Betty Carter, who insisted that she could not find another manager as good as Deborah and needed more time to look for someone to replace her. Betty kept insisting Deborah stay. Betty continued to state this to Deborah in front of the other employees.

After Deborah left Pizza Hut, Betty became very angry with Deborah. Betty Carter then accused Deborah of stealing over $9,000 in food. Impossible to be missing 9,000$ in food, because there are no bills to match that claim. "What could I do with all that food. Where would I put it?".. Stated Deborah to Usa Consumer

Deborah was just called by employees that stated BETTY REPORTED THE FOOD THEFT TO THE POLICE. Betty then went out to socialize with the police for
about an hour. Usa Consumer called Globe police to verify that such a police report was ever made. The officer said he could not give us that information over the phone.

Betty also claims 2,000 Lbs. Of cheese is missing, even though the coolers could not hold that amount of cheese.

Back in November when the Apache Junction Pizza Hut closed, Apache Junction employees shipped all the old food from the old Apache Junction Pizza Hut that was closed down to the Globe Pizza Hut.

Almost all the food was outdated and Betty demanded that the food be transferred into new containers with new dates: salads, peppers, onions, mushrooms and severely dented cans etc. Betty kept calling to make sure everything was repackaged and re-dated before Vince from corporate came to do an inspection.

As if bringing in the outdated food was not enough, Betty Carter, area supervisor had all the outdated food sent in an open truck that was not refrigerated.

Other employees from Apache Junction Pizza Hut tell Usa Consumer that
Vince from corporate does not like Betty.

Last week at the grand opening of the NEW Apache Junction Pizza Hut, Apache Junction police came in and ate for free. No charges or sales check was given to the Apache Junction police. After all the publicity that has been on the Usa Consumer over the last year, one would expect that the police would not go there or would at least make sure they pay their own way. "This is clearly against police department policy" said police Sergeant R.H. "Woody" Haywood with the Apache Junction police department who also stated to the Usa Consumer, "his officers would not take food for free."

Deborah also claims that Rick Carter sexually abused her on several occasions at the mandatory meetings. Deborah stated that speaking to Betty would have been senseless, because she had seen what happened in the past when others complain about her son Rick's behavior or about anything else. Rick was obviously high most of the time, but Deborah never witnessed him doing the drugs as it was stated by so many other victims in statements given to Usa Consumer (a link to all those consumer complaintss is below)

Even though all these Pizza Huts are incorporated individually, (for the owners protection), Deborah said when she worked in Apache Junction, she was
still paid from her store's payroll that she managed in Globe. Between both the food which was being transferred from store to store and employees being moved around and paid from one store, there would be no protection for Thompson & Brock by having separate corporations. Thompson & Brock, Panama City, Florida (the owners of these Pizza Huts) this is a farce.

It has also been reported that Rick Carter is now area supervisor working out of the Winslow Arizona store.

Like everyone else from Apache Junction that have given statements about Betty Carter, employees from Globe also claim the same. Betty always says she is GOD and is very good friends with the Globe Police.

Employees from Globe also state that Betty hates it when the San Carlos Apache Indians come to the store. She is always calling them names and making outrageous and derogatory comments. She also treats them in a nasty way. Employees know at the Globe Pizza Hut that the San Carlos Indian business supports the Pizza Hut store keeping it in the black. Something Deborah worked so hard to do over the last 10 months.

In January of the victim Deborah Short received an award form Pizza Hut "In recognition of her dedication to turning the Globe Pizza Hut back into a successful and profitable restaurant for Thompson & Brock Enterprises" This was signed by alleged part owner Douglas Kreie Sr. (Director of operations) who works out of the Payson Arizona Pizza Hut. Also, when Deborah was presented with the award, she was promised another $1,000 bonus for her good work. You would think that saving a store would be worth much more than $1,000 bonus. But she never did receive even that to this day along with other pay owed.

Deborah has not received her last pay check. Deborah has never been paid the bonuses she was promised, or the 2 weeks vacation pay. Deborah was not reimbursed for expenses as promised when Betty sent Deborah all over the state to work and to attend mandatory meetings at other Pizza Huts.

Deborah's states her life is not the same any more. Deborah states she cannot get work, that rumors have spread about her around town by Betty destroying me, so Betty could justify not having to pay what is owed to me. This is a common tactic by Betty Carter in Apache Junction according to other employees. Threats, intimidation and the spreading of rumors to other local business and calling the police making false claims.

Deborah wanted to leave Pizza Hut because Betty demanded her to be there for too many hours. Her pay was coming out to be about $2.75 an hour or less. Betty made Deborah work from 7 am till 1 to 2 am every day. Deborah could not take this treatment anymore. Deborah was hurt on the job some time ago and was not given time off or any compensation. Betty Refused.

About 8 months ago when the Pizza Hut consumer complaints flyers were distributed to Pizza Hut in Globe and to all Globe area business, Betty demanded employees throw away all the flyers.

Recently Betty tried to get people to lie about knowing her and giving a letter saying how nice she is for court... And Deborah said she did not know Betty well enough to say these things, that she could not lie.

Deborah is in fear for her life now, like so many other employees who are owed money and have come forward. Betty is very friendly with the police in Globe as she is in Apache Junction. She brags she is GOD and that the cops love her in GLOBE, just like they do in Apache Junction.

Another employee from Pizza Hut called Deborah and said Betty did in fact make a report to the police for the theft of the 9,000$ in food, 2 kegs of beer, and 2,000 lbs of cheese... She reportedly talked with Globe police for a long time.

Betty is definitely a public relations person. She missed her calling in life.

EDitor@Usa Consumer

Company: Pizza Hut, Betty Carter, Thompson & Brock
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Globe & Apache Junction
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