Quiznos Million Sub Giveaway
Can't print coupon - RipOFF

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

I completed the online form to get a free sub, then got the e-mail from Quiznos with the link to a coupon. When I tried to print the coupon - it froze my PC... And you only get ONE chance to print. I checked with the friend who sent the free sub info to me, and people in his office are also having significant trouble printing the coupons. So - although they probably included me in their online "free sub" counter - I have no coupon, and no free sub. What a rip.

Company: Quiznos Million Sub Giveaway
Country: USA
Site: www.millionsubs.com
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Quiznos Sub
They would not accept the "Million Sub" giveaway coupon

Deceptive Coupon

Quiznos "Free" Coupon Ripoff - Corporate Phone Numbers Bogus! Bait And Switch Scam
Quiznos "Free" coupon ripoff - Corporate phone numbers bogus! Bait and Switch scam

Consumer Report

Does not accept quiznos coupons

Web Coupon
They charged my checking account with $19.93, and I did not authorize them to do so. I want the money back!

Quiznos Restaurants Coupon fraud, bait and switch

Ripoff Would not Accept Valid coupon offered on Corporate office website

Million Subs promotion was a SCAM!

Quiznos Sub, Quiznos Master
Deception, Theft, Liars, Cheats, The Lowest of the Low! Run don't walk away from this Franchise