Jimmy's Restaurant
Owner and son hunted mentally challenged man in an attempt to redeem vigilante justice

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

On December 6, a mentally challenged man entered Jimmy's in the wee hours of this Saturday morning. After going into the bathroom, a man begins pounding on the door demanding that he get out. Assuming incorrectly that the man he was screaming at was homeless, he grabs the man's collar in an attempt to direct him towards the exit.

Scared that the person grabbing him was going to hurt him, he swings his arm and hits the person holding onto his clothing in the left eye. This blow causes glasses to break and an unsightly cut under the gentlemen's eye. An unfortunate accident and misunderstanding gets worse when the owners of the establishment don't call the authorities. But instead, decide that they are better suited to handle the matter with violence. It's later found out that the man whose glasses cut him beneath the eye is the son of the owner, Nick's, father-in-law.

Over an hour after this incident occurs, Jimmy and his son Nick find Leroy-who had since expressed guilt and deep regret for what he had done. The owner of the infamous Jimmy's Restaurant throws Leroy, the assumed to be homeless gentleman, up against the glass of another local business. When Leroy, who has a history of epileptic seizures rises to his feet again, the owner's son, Nick, follows suit throwing him up against the glass than to the ground.

As Nick is about to climb on top of Leroy, assumingly to savagely beat him, on-lookers tear the three apart. The owner of Jimmy's continues screaming at Leroy who looks terrified and did not fight back during this scuffle. A city worker pulls Leroy away in attempts to deter any violence that may occur.

When the police arrive, everyone is asked what happened except Leroy. After Jimmy gives his statement the police arrest Leroy, but nothing is done to the thugs that hunted this mentally challenged man.

When all is said and done, the owner of Jimmy's in his final heroic moment threatens the city worker.in so many words, he tells her that if she ever gets between him and one of them she'll lose her job and he'll make sure of it. And in Jimmy's words himself, If I get arrested, I'll go to jail, call my lawyer and I'll be out in no time no matter what.

Company: Jimmy's Restaurant
Country: USA
State: Maryland
City: Fells Point
Address: 801 S. Broadway Street
Phone: 4103273273
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