Cafe Prague
While the atmosphere at Cafe

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

While the atmosphere at Cafe Prague is fair, the owner of Cafe Prague is rude and obnoxious. I went there and was seated. Ordered drinks and appetizers. Shortly after I paid my bill, the waitress came over to my table and said that the owner wanted me to leave because I had not made reservations in advance! And that someone else wanted my table!

Also, there were available tables all over the restaurant. When I contacted the owner later to complain and ask for my money back. He responded that he was not an indepedent businessman and was not in the business of refunding money. Apparently, though he Is in the business of stealing money. Unfortunately, it was on my debit card. If it had been on my credit card, I would have cancelled payment.

The management at Cafe Prague is worse than any management I have ever enountered anywhere. Just unbelieveably arrogant, rude and obnoxious. I will never forget the truly embarrassing and hurtful experience of this restaurant. And as far as I am concerned, that restaurant should be SHUT DOWN!

Company: Cafe Prague
Country: USA
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