Burger King
BURGER KING PAKISTAN - Burger King Burgers

Cafes, Bars, Restaurants

This is with ref to the BK Franchisee rights given to MCR Pakistan. I would like to state my experience of BK Pakistan after being a huge BK Fan & always enjoying it during my travels to U. K, e. U, & UAE BUT BK franchisee here has down huge discredit to the BK Brand.

Following is my experience & hundreds of more such complaints are circulating the Food Blogs of Karachi / Pakistan. Please urgently take to task & depute someone from your UAE Franchisee here as this company MCR has already destroyed Pizza Hut & then sold it to another Group.

The king is dead!!! Burger king has done itself no favours by launching in pakistan through franchising its brand to a team which is not trained at producing the treat which is bk in all aspects!

The manner in which it started its operation, the manner in which the burgers are assembled, leaves a lot to b desired! End result is, a soggy excuse of a burger!

But the blasphemy in my eyes is that the taste which is bk trademark i. E the flame grilled, char broiled taste of the meat / patty alongwith its thickness, lacks immensely leaving an ardent fan, seething in anger at its brand being mauled by un-professionalism at its peak!

If burger king regional hq does not take stand to address the issue timely, i am afraid it will meet the same fate at kfc which is at one of the lowest ebb of its brand life!

Company: Burger King
Country: USA
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