Barry This guy is a con artist, a thief!

Business & Finance

Be careful with this individual, he will talk to you into working for him, offer you money, but will take your money instead, people like him should be in jail!

Never meet him in person, he is believed to be armed and dangerous!

Company: Barry
Country: USA
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Barry Henderson Race Cars
Of Fort Worth Ripoff 20,000.00 worth of it This individual is a thief and should not be allowed to practice business

Barry Henderson Race Cars
Henderson Race Cars and Engine Service Barry ripped some other guy off too! Big Bucks!

Barry Druxman
Barry Druxman Photography Scam Alert! Barry Druxman Rips off his Models and Crew! Will Sell your Images without your knowledge will disrespect and belittle you

Pamela Butruch
RIPOFF CON ARTIST THIEF PRYS ON THE ELDERLY thief liar do not trust her she will rob you blind

Eldad Lieberman of Elyi Systems ATM Machines Business
Associates: Barry Van Scooten of ELDAD LIEBERMAN IS A NEVADA FELON ALSO BEWARE OF Business Associate: Barry Van Scooten of

MGA Careers Barry Banks
A con that really hurts

Gulf Pacific Inc
Arthur vanlandingham ripoff artist, nevr paid wages aftr mnth, swindler, thief, conman

Steve & Barry's
If you don"t want the option of returning or exchanging gifts do not shop at steve & barry's

Yossi Salon
Yossi Konorti is a thief, a liar, and a dangerous individual

Anthony Jean-claude
Anthony Jean-Claude VIOLENT - THIEF - BEWARE