Charles Schwab
Schwab Capital LOM -Endovasc ripoff offshores securities fraud, pump-dump, share-money laundering San Francisco, Bermuda California

Business & Finance

In reply to my critic, who first says he is a Charles Schwab employee, then ex-employee, I suggest he go back and become more aquainted with my grievances if he is to address the real issues that he and the Schwab Chairman's Division wish to ignore. The ex-employee seems to be a regular follower of the yahoo Schwab (sch) message board. This would probably mean this employee or ex-employee knows he has a vested interest in touting Schwab shares. He is far from being an 'honest broker' when he has a vested interest in cover-up or sweeping the issue under the rug so to speak in order to tout his employer's or ex-employer's shares.

Maybe he received those shares as a result of his employment or as a result of the influence of his past employment, as did enron etc., employees. Nonetheless in his name calling and insults he avoids the real issues of a pump and dump orchestrated from a Schwab account that should have been reported by Charles Schwab to the SEC. He further ignores in this post 911 era that the activities of that account show the same patterns as an account set up for 'stock share-money laundering' as described by Mr. Gary Goodenow on his website That section of Mr. Goodenow's website is titled 'SEC and Money Laundering'.

I am not only discussing a stock, yes a penny stock, I bought through my Charles Schwab account. I am also complaining about how that same company, (Endovasc), that Charles Schwab was also a 'market maker' for, ran a pump dump operation out of that very same Schwab account, particularly in November.

And in May Charles Schwab allowed an account to be filled with Endovasc shares for a 'select client'while 'regular' Endovasc shareholders such as myself, and any Schwab clients holding Endovasc shares, were kept in the dark. I am not refuting my 'stupidity' for falling for the con job but many fall victims to scams. I am saying that the Charles Schwab account of their 'select client' was used, (after the phony 'reverse split'that increased these insiders already free shares by 40 times their value overnight), for an illegal pump and dump operation!!!

Had Charles Schwab, (in cooperation with Endovasc 'management' and the 'select client'with the Schwab pump and dump account), not removed 39 of every 40 of my 550,000 Endovasc shares from my SCHWAB account I would have made almost $1 million over night and over $1 1/2 million during James Dale Davidson's tout of the stock in November.instead my few thousand remaining shares were dumped on and diluted to nothing. And even after this pump dump Endovasc put out a businesswire pr, (along with 'famed trial lawyer John 'O'Quinn), claiming erroneously that Schwab was 'naked shortng' me!!! Schwab knew for a fact this was not true and that the account they filled for Endovasc shareholders was what had caused the remaining shares I had to crash to nothing!!! It was an illegal pump and dump and Charles Schwab covered it up for Endovasc to protect their 'select client'!!

But aren't I repeating myself again? Schwab has threatened me for speaking out in the past and now someone who is too cowardly to use their real name purports to be an employee or an ex-employee and calls me stupid or an 'idiot' rather than supplying a single answer to my queries. Schwab continues to cover up for and to protect the insiders who they aided in filling an acount full of Endovasc shares, (perhaps millions) for what turned out to be a pump and dump!!!

I have already documented here in my voluminous, (and still unfinished), complaint that Schwab accounts have been used before for pump dumps that are both unethical and illegal.

As Charles Schwab knows and cannot deny this it is all the more reason that they verify and acknowledge that the account they helped fill with perhaps millions of Endovasc shares while removing 39 of every 40 shares I held in my Schwab account was indeed used for a pump dump and help bring the criminals to justice rather than criticise me for being a sucker, or for being an 'idiot'.

Below is a recent email to Schwab, unanswered of course, inquiring about a penny stock disclosure I never received. I would really rather they bring their pump dump client who defrauded me to justice, but they will not. They may be protecting Davidson, mentioned in my report above, or 'LOM' of Bermuda, also mentioned above. As I was defrauded I feel I have a right to know by whom and whether my money was laundered offshore by James Dale Davidson or 'LOM'of Bermuda, etc.

Below the email to Schwab, unanswered of course, is a portion from an SEC filing to show that the 'insider' Robert Johnson is also a client of Schwab and his shares, legal or not, are being dumped even now as fraudulent prs are being put out about an erroneous alliance with Southern Company (SO) and FDA PHASE STUDIES ARE BEING TOUTED TO MIS-INFORM AND DRAW MORE SUCKERS, SUCH AS MYSELF, INTO THE SCAM.

Dear John Jaeger,
I thank you for your kind reply. However the truth is that in 2002 I was NOT given any answer to my query as to whether Schwab was 'naked shorting' me as I was being told in businesswire prs by Endovasc's 'management' and their Attorney John O'Quinn. And Mr. O'Quinn was touted as a famed trial attorney so I took that to mean he was ethical and reputable. Ha.

Ms. Or Mrs. Shapiro from Schwab said Schwab could not answer my query. I was already in a precarious position with colapse of stock price in November so I thought the one who does not answer my query (i.E. Schwab) was most likely to be hiding something from me. You see I did not receive a copy of the 'shareholder agreement' to a 'select client' (of Schwab's or Endovasc's or both?) until 2003!!! Had I known that a Schwab account was being filled with 'up to 30 million shares' to dump while Endovasc was promoting a 'reverse stock split' that they said would maintain 'investors' with their same proportionate percentage ownership', (which for me was substantial with over half million shares), I would never have removed those shares from my Schwab account and bought a 'cert' as the Endovasc-O'Quinn businesswire pr advocated!!!

I could go on but I have and do everyday on ragingbull's evsc to warn others of the ongoing pump dump fraud called Endovasc. You see I believed in the Stanford patent and knew nothing of any stock much less penny frauds. I bought the first stock in my life by phone friom Schwab in 2000 and all those 'strong buys' turned to penny stocks. I had no idea 'rules' for otcbb and nasdaq were or should be different.

So what I would greatly appreciate from Charles Schwab is a copy of the penny stock disclosure agreement it normally gives penny stock investors BEFORE they invest. I have never seen it and to my knowledge was never given one to sign 'manually' as required to my knowledge by the SEC. If you can explain why I was never given such a disclosure and how I might get a copy of Schwab's standard penny stock dislosure I will be forever gretful. You see I have searched on internet from here in Guatemala hoping to see such a Schwab penny stock disclosure without success.

I have considered returning to California with the express purpose of picking a copy of said contract as required by SEC reg. 15-g from charles schwab office in sf but if i could have that answered to my satisfaction here in guatemala by email perhaps with a copy of your penny disclosure (sent as a pdf file or whatever email enclosure), that i to my knowlege never signed, it would, i believe, be easier for us both.

tony (clarence anthony) ryals

"charles schwab and co., inc." wrote:
dear mr. Ryals:
Thank you for your email. We appreciate your concern regarding the Yahoo message board. You are correct that the individual posting the messages is not the Chairman and CEO of the Charles Schwab Corporation. Unfortunately, there is no way for us to control message board user ID's.

In regard to your reference of communications with Charles Schwab & Co. Dating back to the company considers those matters resolved.
Thank you for using Schwab's Email Customer Service.

John Jaeger
Schwab Service Recovery Specialist
NOTICE: All email sent to or from the Charles Schwab corporate email system may be retained, monitored and/or reviewed by Schwab personnel.
(c) 2004 Charles Schwab & Co., Inc., member SIPC/NYSE

Below, from ragingbull evsc board, robert johnson still dumps from schwab account even though schwab is aware of and covering up past pump and dump that was a multi-million dollar fraud as for as i can calculate with their and evsc's $200,000 'insider' transfer agent alexander walker covering up the scam:

By: likity_splits
21 Oct 10:12 AM EDT
Msg. 8495 of 8631
Jump to msg. #
The SAD TRUTH about EVSC insider dumping!!! From the SEC filings.
Look at ex-ceo duktur summers dumping all his free shares!
Johnson, robert g off 02/18 125,000
schwab (charles) & c...


Company: Charles Schwab
Country: USA
State: Nationwide
Address: 104 Montgomery Street
  <     >  


Charles Schwab - LOM - Endovasc - James Dale Davidson - Belladorgroup
Charles Schwab - Schwab Capital - LOM - Endovasc ripoff offshores securities fraud, pump-dump, share-money laundering, Bermuda

Charles Schwab
Rippoff with deposit

Endovasc, Ltd, Inc
Endovasc, Ltd., Inc. Self dealing, lying, shady deals, securities fraud

Charles Schwab - LOM - Endovasc - James Dale Davidson, Belladorgroup, etc
Charles Schwab - Schwab Capital - LOM - Endovasc offshores ripoff, Bermuda

Charles Schwab
Information to avoid getting Schwab's zero interest rate

Charles Schwab

Charles Schwab
Your Account Is Their Account To Withdraw From At Leisure ripoff withdraw unauthorized high hidden fees legalized crime

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Charles Schwab Properties

Rip-off charges levied