Joseph Frontiera
Joe Frontiera Thief Joseph Frontiera Embezzled $150,000 and Destroyed 8 Yr Old Company

Business & Finance

I hired Joe Frontiera in 2007 based on good references and experience. It was the biggest mistake of my life. Between 2008 and 2010 he embezzled and spent $150,000 of company funds on himself, his boyfriend and for personal use. As the company CFO, he fraudulently obtained personal debit and credit cards in his name on the company accounts, and spend thousands of dollars per month on things like gym memberships, human growth hormone, vacations for two, gas, food, gold, and exotic underwear for his undercover homosexual lifestyle with another ex-employee Tim MacHay.

We have very clear and documented proof of every transaction, which were being hidden from management to cover up his spending. These funds should have been used to pay vendors and affiliates who have also suffered greatly by Mr. Frontiera's misuse of funds and failure to make proper payments to these key vendors and partners, who have since refused to do business with the company.

Company: Joseph Frontiera
Country: USA
Address: 2156 27th Dr
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