Beneficial Mortgage
Ripoff victimized me with predatory lending, threatened me iif I didn't sign mortgage with them. Raised my payments over $400/mo -foreclosed on my home, put me through me a living nightmare., Nationwide

Business & Finance

Beneficial Mtg. Offered me a mortgage with a lower interest rate to reduce my monthly payments. I was behind on a pool loan with them, although I was making monthly payments. I had become disabled and suffered reduced income.

It turned out to be a much high interest rate, which I told Guy Joners, the manager who contacted me, that I couldn't afford. He threatened me and told me I had to sign the papers. I was very scared and signed some papers that were back dated and forward dated. None were dated on the date I signed any papers.

I couldn't make the payments and they began foreclosure action. I hired an attorney, depositions were taken, the judge ruled in Beneficial's favor and I lost. During my Deposition, documents were shown to me with my signature on them that I had never seen before. I was bewildered as to how Beneficial got my signature on all those documents, and still do not know.

I fired my attorney, represented myself (pro se), filed an Appeal, and won my the interim, Beneficial went ahead with the foreclosure and my home was sold at Sheriff's sale. Beneficial sold it about 7 months later. Beneficial filed in Supreme Court; however, I won.

By then, I had another attorney. The case was remanded to Common Pleas court for trial. Beneficial fought going to trial all the way. They had the trial postponed by asking for a Continuance. Another trial was set for early August. Just a few days prior to the trial date, Beneficial went to the Clerk of Court's office and dismissed the case. My attorney filed a Motion To Strike in August to overturn the dismissal action. Judge Reece has not yet ruled.

This ordeal has tied up 6 years of my life, left me with nothing, and leaving me feeling violated, taken advantage of, stolen from, lied to, and a victim of 'lender rape'.

I am a senior citizen, disabled, and have no idea how I can ever own another home. I live in a small bedroom with one of my daughters, and all my belongings are in storage. This is not how I want to spend my senior years and I didn't think I would ever be in this situation.

Beneficial Mortgage took full advantage of my situation, and had absolutely no regard for me at all. I regret that I so weak that they were able to do this to me.

I feel that Benefical got away with fraud, forgery, and theft by deception. I want more than anything to see this company have to pay for what they have done to me, as well as to many other people. My case was not included in any class action suit or settlement, and stands alone. Beneficial needs to be put out of business.

Company: Beneficial Mortgage
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Columbus
Address: 643 S. Hamilton Rd
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