Direct Cards Inc
Direct Cards ripoff sent me there advertisement

Business & Finance

I was sent "the letter" to get me started in this wonderful way to make great money from home. I didn't see a name, email address, phone number or anything in any part of there mailing. I wanted to contact them to get more information on what all is included in this oppertunity and what all I can do to make the best of this deal.

I then decided to get on the internet & look up "Direct Cards Inc." but found nothing. I took a stab at typing in the Address to the place that sent it to me and Found links. The first one was to this site right here so I clicked on the link & found all the info I needed to know on thise business.

Thank you for warning me so I don't make a huge mistake.

I am currently unemployed and have been looking for a good job that I can work from home & have run into alot of those "Get rich quick" programs that just looked too good to be true so I passed them up. This one seemed somewhat lugit but it required me to send cash. That forced me to have to get more info on this place. Now I know where to go to find out what I need before I make a mistake in the future.

Company: Direct Cards Inc
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 8770 Sunset Drive #528
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Direct Cards
Work at home ripoff, Processing Mail At Home, Sounds to good to be true because it is

Direct Cards
Don't fall for the Yellow letter in the mail it's a RIPOFF Work at Home Scam

Direct Cards
Ripoff! Work at home scam

Direct Cards, Inc
Direct Cards ripoff Work at Home Scams Thank YOu complaint

Direct Cards
I also received the famous yellow letter from direct cards i'm so glad i searched the internet thank you for this web site

Direct Cards
Scam, frauds, rip-off

Direct Cards
Ripoff, processing mail in home. Send money to direct cards and contribute to a rip off scam

Direct Cards
Ripoff Work At Home Scams

Direct Cards Inc
Direct Cards ripoff I was sent a letter of solicitation that was very misleading and it's claims of easy money seemed too good to be true

Direct Cards
Direct Cards sent offer to Work At Home in mail