David Alan Shepherd
David A Sheperd, Alan Shepherd, Starfire Enterprises, LLC, Holly Shepherd, Vista, Ca. Dave A Shepherd, Starfire Enterprises, likes to borrow money but can never pay it back. Lies, lies, lies

Business & Finance

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I met Dave though an ad on Craigs List. He was advertising for financial assistance in his construction business to tide him over between pay periods. His initial email to me claimed that he was a builder that specializes in large stone projects. He offered a good rate of return on my investment and he said the projects were fully bank funded and fund controlled. He claims to have been in business for 30 years and now he is a corporation and has lived in the same house for 30 years.

I initially loaned him $15,000 on Jan 8 and he came back within 2 or 3 weeks for another $8000. To make a long story short, he has not made any payments in 10 months but he has made a long list of excuses from his wife could not make a direct deposit to my account because she did not know how (his wife is a high school teacher), his daughter did not put enough postage on the envelope, his bank has a 5 day hold on one of his big pay checks (this happens at least once a month), now 7 day, now 10 day hold on his big checks because they are so large. He never explains what happened to all those large checks that he has been getting.

He had trouble with the initial residential job because of an error by the architect so he took 2 jobs at the Army base in 29 Palms and the Marine base in Camp Pendleton, San Diego. I do not know how he can be working on government bases without proving that he is a licensed contractor unless he is using someone elses license. All these jobs and he cant make even small payments as promised.

Basically he is an habitual liar. His contractors license expired in 12 years ago. He does have an LLC, Starfire Enterprises, LLC which he uses to scam loans from people. He used the same scam on a woman in Los Angeles just a few months before using it on me. He has never made any payments in one year to her either. Also a loan of $25,000.

He gave me a pink slip on a boat and only later told me it was docked in Mexico. Another lie as he had it stored in San Diego at boat storage facility that ended up offering to move it for free to another location because Dave was such a problem to deal with.

Dave always has problems with the bank putting holds on his checks and he never explains what happens to the checks weeks later when you assume the holds have been removed.

Both I and the other woman who loaned Dave money have tried to contact his wife, Holly Shepherd, through her email account at Vista High School but she has not responded to either of us.

Bottom line: do not do business with or loan money under any circumstances to Dave Shepherd as you will never see your money again. Lies, lies, lies.

Company: David Alan Shepherd
Country: USA
State: California
City: Vista
Address: Thimbkin Lane
Phone: 7604074916
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