My Money Leaf
Stole $29.95 from my checking account

Business & Finance

I checked my bank account this morning as I normally do on Thursday mornings as it is pay day via Direct Deposit. I noticed a pending charge for $29.95 for mymoneyleaf. I had never heard of that company so I googled it and found out about the scam they are pulling. I contacted my bank right away this morning and let them I did not authorize that particular payment.

After reading the comments by other victims of this crime, I decided to file a report with your site. Thank you for the opportunity to be able to sound off. I appreciate your time.

Company: My Money Leaf
Country: USA
Phone: 18883373154
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My Money Leaf
Took 29.95 from my checking account wrongfully

Sunflower Bank
Holding direct deposits

My Money Leaf

My Money Leaf
Consumer Report

My Money Leaf
Consumer Report

My Money Leaf
Consumer Report

My Money Leaf
Consumer Report

My Money Leaf
Consumer Report

My Money Leaf
Consumer Report

My Money Leaf
Consumer Report