Discover Card
Sues Disabled SSI Recipients Delaware

Business & Finance

Discover Card sues handicapped SSI recipients. Permanently handicapped, living on $564/month, I was sued for over $6000 by Discover Bank and its attorneys, John D. Krisor and Associates of South Bend, Indiana. They even sought and received a summary judgment after I failed to contest the suit.

The lawsuit was filed in June in Vanderburgh County Superior Court in Evansville, Indiana. The summary judgment was obtained in September.

I am a chronic schizophrenic. I am permanently disabled and will almost certainly never have any income other than SSI. This means that I am permanently judgment proof. This in turn means that the suit was as frivolous as frivolous can be. I sent Krisor and Associates proof of these facts, of course. But this was no deterrent at all to John D. Krisor or Discover Card.

It is important to realize that frivolous lawsuits are forbidden by the Bar Association, because they waste valuable court time. It is wrong for a lawyer to waste a judge's valuable time with a lawsuit, if he can not collect should he win; and it is wrong for a lawyer to monopolize court time with a frivolous lawsuit when other lawyers, representing other people, have cases waiting to be heard.

I had had the Discover Card for a long time but had a low balance. Then Discover offered me a balance transfer rate, so I used it, transferring balances until the balance was close to the credit limit. When the balance transfer period was over, Discover attempted to raise my interest to a higher rate than it ever was before. I declined to allow this; and they closed the account. I kept paying for months. However, I was not managing my credit well. I had to stop paying on some accounts. I called Discover to warn them, and to talk about reducing the interest rate or reopening the account, but the person to whom I spoke said only that if I stopped paying, they would sue. I said I was judgment proof, but the person replied, "Very few people are really judgment proof."

They really did sue. But I really am judgment proof.

Company: Discover Card
Country: USA
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