Wells Fargo Bank
Overdraft charges & holding monies RIPOFF

Business & Finance

Reading some of the other complaints this here is basically wells fargo's way of "doing business as usual" aka "company policy". I can only guess how many millions of dollars wells fargo has ripped off from the consumer using their banking practices, and by them being such a large corporation the people you have to deal with (I do not blame them, but I will deal with that issue further on) can only follow company policy set up by some very creative accountants.

Right now wells fargo has closed my account because I am a risk. I am currently overdrawn 337.00 but in the last 2 weeks i have been hit with 20 overdrafts @ 33.00 each or 660.00. Although it's no one's business I had 15 withdrawels (by me) for 40.00 (all of which were approved) at a casino add on the 2.00 1.50, wow. You would think wells fargo would love me.

A few days later my check (direct deposit) was put into wells bank, 1,500.00. I was never told my account was closed 4 days on the phone with customer service. They blamed my co. For not sending monies.

Finally I was told they have closed my account and holding my check for 10 days. Then they will send me a money order. Of course in the meantime I have written a few checks, which they are not going to honor, (even tho monies is there) waiting to see if they charge me for those.

I did not directly sign up to wells fargo my bank was taken over by them a year ago. I will admit I am not a financial wiz. I do not balance my account. I do not even open my statements. Every other week I may look at my account online. They have made hundreds of dollars off me. It always seems whenever my account gets low thay charge my account with automatic deducts I have set up, (internet etc.) which they pay and then charge me 33.00.

Also if I write several checks in a 2 day period they pay they largest one first and bounce the other smaller ones. I have more if anyone is interested.

It seems to me others with this problem and myself could and should get together for some type of class action suit. This goes furthur than bad service I consider what they are doing is down right theft. They have perfected their practices and are getting bolder and bolder. I am fortunate enough to have a good job, single, and this is nothing but an inconvenience to me, but I am sure there are others who have really been devastated by wells fargo and many a child went hungry or cold because of them.

Anyone may reply directly to me by using the rebuttal box below, and not to be rude but I don't have the time to listen or read about their experience with wells, but if someone has an idea or plan to bring action against wells by all means write me.

Company: Wells Fargo Bank
Country: USA
State: California
City: San Francisco
Phone: 8008693557
Site: wellsfargo.com
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WILL ripoff SCROOGE you