Dominion Financial

Business & Finance

Was contact by phone by credit card company offering my a credit line of $4800. I agreed since I am of need of credit and sounded like a good deal. Month has went by since Dominion has had access to my checking account and no credit card. I was lied to about the credit card, but the same company call ed me offering me a Computer with an additional deduction from my account to attain another card with a free computer.

I hung up cause I felt that one card was enough. I am behind on my bills, because I used my money to purchase this card. I hope that this company is caught and the people who are behinds this are put behind bars for a very long time. I distrusted White American corporations for a long time and now corporations are made to steal, that is very disgusting and is not the American way. I hope that there is a way for me to get my money back, but when the white man steals it is always all right.

I work for my money and pay my taxes, with all our intelligence why are these people still free and the my money still in thier pockets?

Ft. Washakie, Wyoming

Company: Dominion Financial
Country: USA
State: New York
City: Champlain
Address: PO Box 1891
Phone: 8667851789
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