Cca Merchandise Credit Acct
Ripoff organization. I was tricked with fast talking, mixed words and then they went into my bank acct and took more money from me for some insurance $99.99 and $99.00.. This is taking all i have now

Business & Finance

I am being stolen from and dont know what i can do to get out of this nightmare. I have called these people only to be quoted what they say they told us over the phone. I said i want my money back. I have not even used this account or even plan to but they keep taking from my bank account.

I will go to the bank tomorrow and get this taken care of. I was told to write a letter and they wouldnt auto pay out of my acct anymore, i dont trust them. I also have wrote to the better business bureau of las vegas nevada. Today's date is sept 7. I dont know why we thought this was a good idea, i believe it was because we were told we could canx at anytime... I have so far lost $400. They sent vouchers one for $200, $100, $50.. Of course they cant be used all together it has to be separate items..

Also if i use the $200 voucher i have to get something around $500 with the two hundred off then it would leave a bal of $300, you have to out 30% down, thats the rule. Then pay payments on the balance. Please help me with this. I hope i can get out of this with my sanity. Thanks so much sheri lather

Company: Cca Merchandise Credit Acct
Country: USA
State: Nevada
Address: PO BOX 46101
Phone: 8007604045
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Consumer Report

Bank one
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Grant Master
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Fraudulent billing, rip-off

Cca Credit Department
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My Money Leaf
Consumer Report

Rip offs

Speciality Merchandise Corp - SMC
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Taking money from my acct

Family Readers Club
Taking money out of bank acct. When not autherized