Commersense Chris Kille
Chris Kille Merchant Services CMS Stay Away from this one man show! It will cost you business!

Business & Finance

I got a call from this guy for credit card processing. He says it's cheap and easy no problem.
I run a motel and use credit cards alot.
He sells me and goes to set me up, they access my credit card machine remotely.
THEN THEY ERASE ALL MY INFO and can't get it to work.
THREE DAYS without being able to accept credit cards, in a hotel.
Plus, I couldn't go back to my old credit card company, because they erased their info.
Go with this guy if you want to lose business and have a hassle.

Company: Commersense Chris Kille
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Tampa
Address: 224 S Boulevard
Phone: 8134898501
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