Capital Choice Consumer Credit
What can we do? Stinkin' rip off by

Business & Finance

I have learned my lesson! I will go online and investigate anyone before anything that is supposed to be a credit card.

This is a stinkin' rip off! Guess I can kiss my $39.00 "membership" fee good bye! Of course it should be called the "SUCKER" FEE

They will never get anymore of my money! Does anyone know how we can keep them from ripping anyone else off or how we can get our money back? Should have known something was up when there was no phone number on the correspondence.

The back of the "correspondence" was in blue and VERY VERY hard to read. Believe me from now I will read the fine print until I fully understand it even if it has a lot of details

I found several phone numbers: 888-446-3353; 800-576-3988; 800-866-4599;800-707-1689; plus several others. I also came across a telephone number 800-959-4995 Which was E-Credit Solutions. That was in the list of phone numbers this company used.

How can they get away with this? Especially with SO MANY reports being turned in on this company??? Why hasn't something been done about this!!!

Just call me
Confused and Angry

Company: Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 9590 NW 25 Street
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Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital choice comsumer credit - I HAVE PHONE #'s & ADDRESSES. Must read

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
I found Phone numbers!

Capital choice consumer credit
I got mail from them but was wary very so i check more into them online Capital Choice consumer credit Thanks

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Capital Choice Consumer Credit
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