Lowe's Companies
Ripoff attempted to charge usurious interest and service charges

Business & Finance

Lowe's offered easy credit cards with a reasonable interest rate. During a 4-month period of unemployement when I was unable to make a payment, they added interest and late fees that more than doubled the amount owed. But, when I originally accepted the credit card, I never agreed to pay such outrageous late fees. I informed the company I would pay what I owed them, and
I would pay the interest, but I would NOT pay their outrageous late fees. I also offered to pay the account in full if they could show me where I had signed an agreement to pay such fees.

Later, when I found work again, I paid Lowe's everything I owed them EXCEPT for the late fees and one hundred dollars. I held back the hundred dollars and offered to pay that as soon as they dropped the late fees. But, they never did.

During all this, I was unable to communicate with anybody at Lowe's. All they did was repeatedly send me bills, each time adding another late fee. I even wrote a polite letter to the president of Lowe's, one Robert Tillman, requesting that he accept my $100 and drop the late charges, but he never replied. Finally, Lowe's wrote off the debt (i.E., took the tax advantage) and SOLD THE DEBT to a collection agency. Of course, that collection agency was unable to collect any money from me, so they sold it to another agency, and so on through six or seven agencies until they finally reached what is, I suppose, the dumbest and most gullible collection agency in the USA, a company named Arrow Financial something or other.

This agency tries to call me almost every day but, after the ONE LETTER that I always send to each new agency, I refuse to communicate with them thereafter. I imagine that agency, or some other agency dumb enough to buy this debt, will continue calling me forever. But, they will never collect any money from me.in my Last Will and Testament, I have directed the executor of my estate specifically to NOT pay any money to Lowe's or any such agency and, instead, to litigate the matter to whatever extent necessary to avoid paying this invalid, unenforceable, alleged debt.

By exhibiting such underhanded, deceptive, and sleazy business practices, I feel that Lowe's has damaged its own reputation and will no doubt continue to do so, because most people will not go to the lengths I have to avoid paying their usurious charges. Under threat of "being reported to the credit bureau, " most people will pay up and stuff their resentment. However, even after they filed their report to at least two credit bureaus, I contested their report, filed a report of my own, and I have purchased a home and several cars since then.in addition to that, I have related the facts of this incident to nearly every person I know. I wonder how much THAT has cost Lowe's?

Company: Lowe's Companies
Country: USA
State: North Carolina
City: Wilkesboro
Address: 1605 Curtis Bridge Road
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American Express
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