Wells Fargo
Loan modification

Business & Finance

Wells Fargo Are thiefs And the goverment doesn't care My wife and I tried to modify our home loan was told severall times they were working on it well that was a lie i called every week trying to find out what was happening was told they were working on it then after a time went by i still called to find out and was told i would have to talk to my loan specialist so was transfered to Christopher Davis well that was a joke his voice mail was full and i couldnt leave a message we must of called a hundred times i tried deveral times to talk to someone else was told i would have to speak to him but they would send him a email to get a hold of us well he never did then on april 11 i called and demanded to know what was happening the man i talked to told me he could get in trouble for telling me but that they were auctioning the house on april 12 he gave me Christopher Davis's supervisior and told me to call him so i did and quess what the same thing leave a message and he will get back to me well he didnt thanks you crooked thiefs

Company: Wells Fargo
Country: USA
State: Idaho
City: Nampa
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