Plantinum Benefit Group
Rip-off! Praying for a class action suit. Do what I did and we're closer to it

Business & Finance

Like everyone else, I recieved the phone call stating that I can recieve this great card with benefits that could actually improve my credit... I was really confused when they began asking me questions about my account and social sec. Numbers. I didn't know I was going through the process of acceptance until they were ready to hang up. I thought I'd have time to ask a few questions. When I butted in on the conversation I was supposed to be part of the lady quickly gave me customer service's #. When I called to cancel I was asked why and answered that I did not feel comfortable with how I was handled over the phone.

This is how they get you: They target those with fair to poor credit thinking you are so eager to get approved for plastic, pitching that it will improve your credit, so you go ahead and accept the offer and go on to screw yourself. I was moving 2000 miles to a new city.

I was missing over $100 in my account. When I called the bank they gave me the # to call Plantinum Benefit Group. They claimed I did not have a confirmation # to give to them to verify the cancellation so therefore I must not have done so. Here's the funny part.

They supposedly sent the information and card out to me, but had the wrong address in their computer. I said if they took such measures to record the conversation then why was the address incorrect. They sure got the right bank account number!

I have been on the phone all day with Better Business Bureau in Florida where this company resides (727-535-5522), Federal Trade Commission (1-877-FTC-HELP), and Consumer Protection (800-422-7128). Lastly, I called my bank where the money had been withdrawn.

As I sit here steaming, I am still waiting to here back from the bank. They are trying to give me crap about it being too long to dispute it. I got on it right away - they say you have 60 days to request a transaction reverse. Get on that phone and complain your heads off. I am as nice as pie until the run around comes. You all have rights USE THEM!

If the businesses I listed get enough complaints the lawyers and investigators will file a class action lawsuit against them, where they most likely will recieve a large settlement that will be divided up amongst those who have reported them as fraudulent.

So call those numbers and get yourself on the list. The more calls put in the better our chances of getting OUR money back! I read all the complaints listed on this site and everyone is asking for help - there really is none beyond the instructions I just gave to you. But it wouldn't hurt to advise Plantinum Benefit Group that you are on top of it and they can return your money or find a multi million dollar debt slapping them in the face shortly.

Dont back off - you're the consumer - it's all about you and your posessions - call those numbers now!

Williams Bay, Wisconsin

Company: Plantinum Benefit Group
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Clearwater
Address: 16807 U. S. Highway 19 N
Phone: 8003444835
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