Stonebridge Life Insurance Co
Fraud, forgery, and beneficiary fraud

Business & Finance

Bridge, fraud, forgery, and change of beneficiary...
I lost my daughter 17 months ago to domestic violence homicide. My daughter had an accidental death policy with Stonebridge life insurance Co. For the amount of 30,000 dollars and pay 100,000 dollars if she died after the age of 24. Three months after turning 24 her boyfriend killed her, and her unborn child Noah Ezekiel, he stabbed my daughter 111 times. On December 9 I filed a claim with the insurance co. To pay the claim to my granddaughter the named beneficiary on my daughters policy. The insurance co. Asked for guardian paperwork for the minor beneficiary named on the policy. I called the claims representative and told her I would provide her with the paperwork as soon as the court provided it too me, and that the guardianship hearing was set for May 5. While I was waiting for the hearing Shyrl Clark, the claims representative wrote me three letters in regards to my oldest granddaughter the beneficiary guardianship paperwork. After the May 5 hearing the judge gave me custody of both of my granddaughter's. The letters the claims rep. Sent me starting date December 22 thru May 24 were in regards to whom my daughter named as her beneficiary. On June 30 Shyrl Clark wrote me and said after further review of the claim it appears that Sagittarius has two minor children, and that she would need guardianship papers from the court for both minor children. I called her, and said I don't care if my daughter has 10 kids she only put down my oldest granddaughter down as her beneficiary, and that she has no legal right to change or add a beneficiary after a persons death. I also told her my daughter's youngest daughter was not even born until a year later, and my daughter never called and added her name, something she would've had to do. Shyrl Clark, mailed me a copy of my daughters policy, and in my carefully considered opinion is a forgery. First of all, she mailed me a sample policy. When I asked her to mail me a copy of my daughters policy. The secretary, and company president names were cut outs and changed. My daughters signature was not even legible, let alone hers. The second policy she mailed she showed my daughter had 10,000 coverage for her children. One ask yourself how does one insure a child if an age, birthday or a name is never given, to the insurance company? When I asked to speak to her supervisor she refused to transfer my call. Shyrl Clark, said it was solely up to her to process and pay the claim. The claims rep. Noted in my daughters file all calls from me were to be rerouted to her. Even when I was successful in reaching a so call supervisor they all said the same thing Shyrl Clark was right, and when I asked for their name and job title, they were no longer supervisors but phone reps. I asked Shyrl Clark to put the company's president in writing and she refused to do it. The other policy she mailed me had a totally different president's name signed and you can't even make out the name if you wanted too. Please help me in my quest to shut Stonebridge life insurance company down. For fraud, forgery, and unauthorized change in beneficiary.

Company: Stonebridge Life Insurance Co
Country: USA
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