International Marketing Solutions
Intl marketing solutions DIY Loan Modification Scam

Business & Finance

I was contacted by a man by the name of Ben Murphy from International Marketing Solutions. He asked me about previous home based businesses and wanted to know if I would like his company to advertise for me. I told him I was currently not working a business of any sort so I had no need of their services.

Ben then proceeded to tell me of their company's new DIY Loan Modification program and how his company could build a website for me and do all the advertising I would ever need for a nominal rate. I listened to his rant and actually began to like the idea of this, so I told him I was on board. I was also personally promised by Mr. Ben Murphy himself that I would see a return on my money within 60 days!!!

I split my payments to the company up in two segments, one being immediately after speaking to him and the other half after 60 days so that I could see how this would work out before I threw all my money away. After making the first payment I was told that I would be contacted and given a web address that contained my website and another to check the traffic that was going to said site. Low and behold that e-mail never arrived.

I figured that I would give them a week to process all paperwork and complete whatever site that they were building. After still not hearing from the company, I then proceeded to call them twice a week. The only person I could ever get on the phone was a lady, Sicily, who always told me Ben Murphy was out of the office and she didn't know his schedule. I never heard anything back form them about my site or any advertising that was or had been done until it was time for the second half of my payment.

About the time that the second half of my payment was International Marketing solutions contacted me to find out if I would like them to run the same credit card number. I told them that I had not heard anything back from them in months and that I wasn't going to give them anymore of my money. When they asked I told them I could never get in touch with anyone regarding my website or advertising and that they had never even gotten in touch with me about what the web address even was.

They then transferred me to a rude little fellow named Brandon who insisted that they sent the information to me and when I persisted that they had not, he then got that information for me and tried to pressure me into giving them the rest of the money. I told him I was no longer interested in their services and was even so fed up with dealing with them that I told them to keep the half I had already given them and I would just write it off as a tough lesson learned.

Well, apparently it wasn't going to be that easy to get away from this company. Brandon told me that I just couldn't walk away even if I was going to let them keep half. He began to throw all kinds of jargon at me and threaten me if I didn't pay them immediately. He told me that he was going to send me to a collection's agency because I wouldn't give them the money for the other half of money for services I still have not received. I asked him how this was even a collection's issue and he told me I owed them money. I stated many times that I was not paying and there was no issue because I had not received services. He continued to threaten me and told me I would hear from their collections department.

I am now seeking legal representation and looking for a full refund instead of just allowing them to keep half for nothing. I would suggest that NO ONE ever do business with this company for any reason!

Company: International Marketing Solutions
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Chandler
Address: 498 West Chandler Blvd
Phone: 18888312221
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