Scoresense states that they will provide credit scores for $1, no mention of additional fees, no mention of membership

Business & Finance

In preparing for an appointment with my attorney recently, I needed information on my credit score. This occurred on either 11 or 12 April. My adult daughter found on the internet and read me the information from the ad which clearly stated "credit report available for only $1.00." We obtained the information we needed and the $1.00 charge appeared on my bank statement. Imagine my surprise when a week later, an additional charge of $29.95 appeared for the same service.

My objection to the charges has to do with the hidden information and the false advertising for their services. If your service costs $29.95, so be it. I can either purchase it or not as I see fit. Don't scam me with a come on ad of $1.00 for the service and then enroll me in some service I didn't ask for, don't want and cannot afford. Don't hide your fees and membership information in the fine print!

These behaviors reek of "scam" and bad business practices and must not be tolerated simply because we have the internet available. I want my money back and I want to see these kinds of scams shut down. If you can't sell your service/product for what it costs, then pack up and go home! These behaviors do not occur with legitimate businesses and must not be tolerated on the internet. I have to wonder what has happened to integrity in this present generation...

Company: ScoreSense
Country: USA
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Score Sense Refuses to Refund Unauthorized Charges

Rip-Off Alert! Internet

One Technologies LP ScoreSense is the epitome of Internet scams. Don't use this company! They will rip you off!

ScoreSense are the very thieves they vow to protect you from
Deceptive, tricky, sneaky

False and deceptive promotion, Dallas
Credit reporting agency Internet

Almost ripped off by Scoresense - you have to read the fine print people!

Ripoff credit score report company with deceptive practices

ScoreSense, a Product of One Technologies LP Scoresense charged 29.99 to my credit card without my permission! Internet, Washington