Ocwen Federal Ban
Ripoff, torture

Business & Finance

This to all that have been or are being, torture and ripoff by Owcen Federal Bank, I'm looking into the mattter of bringing a class action lawsuit againts them. (& HUD if necessary.)

I'm thinking if we all get together and bring a CLASS ACTION SUIT AGAINST OCWEN AND THEIR PRACTICES. We will be able to stop them from using these kind of tortures againts others. This sounds easier said than done, But if legitimate claims are place as there were againts the tabacco company., they have more power than Ocwen, the class action suit got attention and resolved a lot of problems. I'm certain if we all get together we can do the same.

Company: Ocwen Federal Ban
Country: USA
State: Florida
Address: 11925 INGENUITY DRIVE
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Ocwen Federal Bank

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