Lease Finance Group, Llc
Fraud and Theft

Business & Finance

A worker in the Rent Finance Team solicited support for Acknowledged Merchant Solutions to my small company. She deliberately lied and misrepresented the businesses providers. Additionally after she quit she transformed the contract I closed to replicate a-4 year agreement. The moment I then found out the agreement have been transformed I attempted to get hold of the salesperson and also the organization straight and may not talk to each one. The friend alongside my company was a cafe plus they had the same expertise. I acquired an attorney in Arizona to assist me with this specific scenario. Our company was in Conroe, Texas but I've since shut it and shifted to Louisiana. They've stuffed collection against me in Chicago, IL. They're relying on the truth that I can't journey up there to combat this fraudulently signed agreement. I've investigated the corporation and discovered thousand s of others with my identical tale. I'm astonished that this organization continues to be achieving this. So what can be achieved to prevent the corporation that appropriately cons people?

I'm advocating those who have had exactly the same expertise to record it to Illinois Attorney General Lisa Madgian http://www.illinoisattorneygeneral. Gov/index.html

And also to Associate State's Lawyer Sophia Lopez, Boss of the Customer Fraud Device

And also to the Federal Trade Commission. Http://www.ftc. Gov/

The Corporation needs to be ceased!

Company: Lease Finance Group, Llc
Country: USA
State: Illinois
City: Chicago
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Lease Finance Group, LLC
Fraudulent and Deceptive Practices in effort to sleel from small buisnesses Internet

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Lease Finance Group LLC
Do NOT sign a lease with this company!