EWA - Enviromental Waste Auditors
Ripoff Artists buyer beware in all aspects I came across this one

Business & Finance

Okay I'm just like the average american always looking to better myself financially so when I came across this one I felt compelled to add it to the site. I received the booklet in the mail and how they were in desire need of employees, however I better act now because for only $129.00 plus shipping I could get my piece of the pie... Lol...

So what your job is to be is that you go out and scout businesses that have dumpsters... Okay all businesses lol... And you send these businesses a flyer from this guy saying he can save them money on getting rid of their waste... He convinces these people and company's and gets lots of money and splits the profit with you... Oh yeah okay... What fraction goes to pay for the transportation of the waste? Hmmm... Well I use to be a manager of a gas station I actually know the cost of the waste removal... It's nothing like he was stating, but it's all good this get's better... I couldn't find anything on this particular company so I actually went to the BBB to check it all out.

WOW BBB pretty much is a little upset with this company it appears that the company use to have the BBB logo on their website stating that BBB endorsed them when in fact they did not and to make it worse in their little booklets that they mail out they make a statement in there saying that James Stanley former president of the bbb of south florida endorsed them... At the BBB website they state that James Stanley and the bbb in south florida were disbarred for failure to (basically sumed up) do their jobs efficently. So I hope this helps people who get this booklet. Don't send these people your money.

About the only good thing I think I saw was that out of the nearly 30 complaints they seemed to all be resolved by the company! It just all smelled pretty fraudulant to me! If someone has worked or still does for them let me know I would like to hear about it... At which time I would take back these remarks even though they are all found with basic research.

Company: EWA - Enviromental Waste Auditors
Country: USA
State: Ohio
City: Columbus
Address: 950 Freeway Drive North
Phone: 6147857294
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