Broker Promoter
William DeTemple Ripoff Illegal Fax Blast program with Phony Guarantee

Business & Finance

This company contacts mortgage brokers in all states, and offers a fax advertizing program. They state that they send out permission faxes to be in compliance, and then send out advertizing faxes for you when they get permission.

The "system" costs $8900, and then they charge you $650 per month to maintain the suystem for you. When they fax you the contract, they include a guarantee that if you do not realize at least an average of 100 calls per month for six months after the setup period, they will refund the $89000 they charge yuo up front for the "system".

The contract does not mention the guatrantee, which is a separate page from the contract, and the contract claims to superceed all previous guarantees. So they sell you the system with the comfort of the guarantee, and then take it away with the contract.

The machine then calls every number in your assigned area and manually finds all the fax numbers. Then, they do send out permission faxes, but not to get permission, but to give people a chance to call in and be taken off the list. Then, those who don't complain, receive unsolicited advertizing faxes with your phone number on them.

You then get lots of nasty phone calls from people threatening to sue you or report you. There are laws on the books in some states where they can do it. I spent most of my time taking these angry calls, and reporting their phone numbers to broker promoter to get them off the list. It became quite a chore.

We never received 100 calls a month in a 9 month period. We signed up with them Sept 15. We allowed until Jan 1 for them to have a setup period. The contract allows for 28 days, so that was enough time. We then tracked the calls on, which is the service they use to track the calls. From January through July 1st, they never met the quota. We probably received 10 calls for loans during the entire promotion, and not one of them panned out.

I contacted William DeTemple and gave him notice that we were cutting the system and wanted to exercise the guarantee. I sent him all the documentation from the whoscalling website so he could see the results and that we had honored our commitment. He e-mailed me a notice of default, and said "read your contract"

Company: Broker Promoter
Country: USA
State: California
City: Irvine
Address: 1 Bendix
Phone: 8004952299
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