Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Scam company

Business & Finance

Mr. Ricardo Martinez supposed president of said scam company, my daughter sent you $43.00 of her hard earned dollars. After finding out on the computer tonite that your company is a joke she went to bed crying. There is going to be a special place in hell for you. God will get her through, but you better get on your knees and start praying for some spiritual guidance for all the people you have taken advantage of.

Company: Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 9590 NW 25th St
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Capital choice consumer credit
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Scam - All I want is my money back

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Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Ripoff scam dishonest waste of time ripoff business from hell

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital choice consumer credit ripped me off, i want my money back!

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Capital CHoice sucks

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