ACS Legal Department
Harrasment! Internet

Business & Finance

Received the following email from ACS Legal Department today. These folks are breaking so many laws and harassing people for no good reason. I have never had a bill with anyone they reference nor has anyone in my family. Identity theft is real, and apparently they are doing everything in their power to get information and money out of vulnerable people.

If anyone has a class action law suit against this company i would definitely be interested in being a part of it... Companies like this need to go down. During hard economic times such as this, scammers are doing their best to take advantage of innocent people and because many of us are so overwhelmed with finances, con artist like this get away with taking more money from innocent people. I like how they encourage you to grab your debit card, how about I grab the number to the police department or FBI!!!

Here's that template email that they sent

This is in reference to your Account number 12847-62 with ACS in order to notify you that after making several calls to you on your phone number, we were not able to get hold of you. So the legal department of ACS has decided to mark this case as a flat refusal and press charges against you.

Your account with ACS is in Final Collections. According to our records, your outstanding balance is $625.85

Do revert back if you want to get rid of these legal consequences and make a payment arrangement within the next 48 hours or else the case will be downloaded against you.

As we have shared with you in previous letters, read your loan agreement; the next step is clearly defined. It could cost us both a great deal of time and money; you can avoid this by taking care of this now.

The opportunity to take care of this voluntary is quickly coming to an end. We would hate for you to lose the option of resolving this before it goes to the next step which is a Lawsuit against you, but to do so you must take immediate action.

It is quick and easy:

Grab your debit card and call us or e-mail us right now in order to make a payment and freeze down this case.

Contact us on 1-954-603-7700.

If you do not take immediate action:

We will be forced to download this case against you and once it is downloaded the creditor
has entire rights to inform your employer and your references regarding this issue and the law suit will be the next step which will be amounting to $4728.35 and will be totally levied upon you and that would be excluding your attorney charges and the due amount pending on your name $625.85

Thanks for being our customer,

ACS Legal Department

Confidentiality Statement & Notice: This email is covered by the Electronic Communications Privacy Act, 18 U.S.C. 2510-2521 and intended only for the use of the individual or entity to which it is addressed. Any review, retransmission, dissemination to unauthorized persons or other use of the original message and any attachments is strictly prohibited. If you received this electronic transmission in error, please reply to the above-referenced sender about the error and permanently delete this message. Thank you for your cooperation.

Company: ACS Legal Department
Country: USA
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