Union Workers Credit Services
Since when does a Credit Card Company ask for a annual fee up front

Business & Finance

I recieved this great offer in the mail. Since when do they ever ask for Annual Fee up front. Who asks for fee for a credit card now a days at all... Beware

Company: Union Workers Credit Services
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: Dallas
Address: 1327 Empire Central
Site: unionworkerscredit.comdalla
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Union workers credit services
They keep your 37.00 anual fee, but neglect to send your guaranteed 10,000 platnum card membership lied and stoled

Union Workers Credit Services
Offered $10,000 platinum pre-approved credit card if I would send them $37.00 by 5/16/12

Union Workers Credit Services

Union Workers Credit Services Of Texas
Ripoff sent me a scam in the mail

Union Workers Credit Services
Credit card ripoff

Union Workers Credit Services
I received a letter just like the ones posted on here. Offering $10,000 credit card limit. They ask for a check or money order for $37 for a "annual fee". It sure sounded like it was too good to be true

Union Workers Credit Services

Union Workers Credit Service
$37.00 for a credit card never received - I did find a way to contact a person for complaints

Union Workers Credit Services
RIP OFF BIG TIME SCAM TOOK MY 37.00 deposit for a 10,000.00 credit card and ran!

Union Workers Credit Services
Fully and Falsely scammed - falsely misled consumers - took advantage of hard working american