Predatory lenders

Business & Finance

Went to Quickens. Loans about refinancing my home, they told me they need 400.00 up front to cover appraisal. After appraisal nothing more heard from them other than i didnt qualifiy via e-mail. Nobody availible to request money returned to me. Ended up filing a dispute with my credit card company hope to get satisfaction through them. Quiken Loans is a ripoff co. They had no intentions of loaning anyone money. They just want to keep deposit

Company: Quikenloans
Country: USA
Phone: 800226630831993
Site: quikenloans.com
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Quiken Loans
Non-discluser of cost of a comitment by disinformation

Quickens Loans
Fraudulent charges

Quicken Loans
Quicken Loans Quicken Loans bait & switch. Quicken Loans stole my deposit

Quicken Loans
Ripoff alert, do not give them 1 red cent! Cannot close a loan!

Quicken Loans
Rip off

Quicken Loans
Promised a refinance on home loan

Quicken Loans
Takes your $500.00 Good Faith Deposit and Then leaves You empty!

Upp Appraisal Services & Sheri A Upp
Sheri A Upp Sheri A Upp, appraiser in TN from Upp Appraisal Services, steals money from homeonwers and provides useless appraisals