CTI Group
They say they provide unique trading servies and you have to send them $2,500 unkown

Business & Finance

CTI Group states that they provide a unique trading service and they only have a few openings left and that you have an opportunity to get in on this program. They ask that you send them $2,500 and that you do this all by trusting them over the telephone and by showing you selected websites they want you to see. They steer you to these websites in their sales pitch all to get your money, which they have no intention in ever giving back or investing for you. It is a scam and a ripoff. They have no reputation to back them up and no sales brochures to mail out to you. They have a polished telephone sales team that goes after vulnerable and elderly people.

Company: CTI Group
Country: USA
State: California
Phone: 9498612210
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Fortis Global Solutions International
Consumer Report

Ugm-unique Global Metals Sarl
Ugm/thieves typical scam don't send money guinea africa guinea africa

Alarm Marketing Group AKA AMG
Nick alberino took my money but didn't give sales leads

National Sales Group
Fraud Sales Pharmaceutical Sales, Pharmaceutical Scam

Consumer Report

Worldtradering23, World Trading 23
Worldtradering23, World Trading 23 & Liquidation.com R/C Radio Control product rip-off x-ufo, using Drop Shipping scam and liquidation.com

Vision Investing Group - Learn2Spread Trade - Independent Marke01 Of 01
Vision Investing Group - Learn2Spread Trade, Independent Marke01 Of 01 ripoff The company promised a stock training course, then didn't deliver. They then promised a refund and reneged on that. American Fork Draper, Provo

Coastal Vacations
Took money, no performance

Trading Advantage
Rip off, not worth an investment

Consumer Report