Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital Choice Consumer Ctredit, Scam

Business & Finance

I can't believe a company could do this to people. I also fell for their scam and sent them money. I even checked to see if they had a phone number in FL. They don't have a listing.

The address they gave me was 9590 NW 25th Street, Miami FL 33172.
I Hope some one catches them and makes them them pay for all the money they have tooken from people who trusted them, just to find out they we're ripped off.

Company: Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Miami
Address: 9590 NW 25 Street
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Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital Choice Consumer Credit ripoff

Capital Choice Consumer Credit

Capital Choice Consumer Credit
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Capital Choice Consumer Credit
Capital choice consumer credit ripped me off, i want my money back!

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Capital Choice Consumer Credit Ripoff - THANKS FOR SAVING ME MY TIME AND MONEY