Insphere Insurance Solutions
Not a good company to work for, unless your a heartless machine

Business & Finance

I wish I would have read the reports about this company before I wasted time and money with them. This place is a constant revolving door of agents and management.

The agency has one focus, recruit recruit, recruit. They are a high pressure sink or swim company that could care less about you once they sign you on.

I got out, and now I'm finding that no one is allowed to exit this company gracefully. If you sign their agent contract be prepared to get yourself a lawyer when you leave if you have any money left to do so.

My advise, go work for an insurance company that has a good reputation in your area and make sure thay represent your local carriers not just the national ones or you won't be able to compete in the health insurance field.

Run Away!

Company: Insphere Insurance Solutions
Country: USA
State: Texas
City: North Richland Hills
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InSphere Insurance
Beware if you are a licensed Health and Life Agent Do Not Work for this Company Internet

Insprhere Insurance
HealthMarkets, Mega Life and Health, Midwest Insurance Working for Insphere Can Trap You if You Want to Quit

Insphere Insurance Solutions
Health Markets Insphere Insurance Solutions Agents Fight Back!

Insphere Insurance Solutions
Insphere insurance solutions Prey on unemployed desperate for work

Insphere Insurance Solutions, Inc
Mega Life and Health Insurance Company Beware of Insphere Insurance Solutions! This is the same old scam with a new and different name

InSphere Insurance

Insphere Insurance Solutions, LLC
HealthMarkets, MEGA, Chesapeake Took advantage of agents and keep all agent money!

Insphere Insurance Solutions
Consumer Report

INSPHERE Insurance Solutions
Health Markets SCAM, Pyramid Scheme, Agents are misled and lied to and asked to sell "health care"programs to individuals which are small discounts or plans with XTRA high co pay, high deductables/out of pocket max w

Primeri-no - Life insurance