Smoke Assist

Business & Finance

I replied to some Television advertisement encouraging a totally free beginner package for Smoke Aid... The secure and healthful method to quit smoking. The state by both Television advertisement and also the telephone consultant was that there could be one cost of $9.95 to my charge card. Once I obtained the beginner package they'd instantly deliver fresh tubes every thirty days UNTIL I named just before that point after I might stop the tubes and purchase them when I saw fit. Our telephone conversation was documented. I had been told REPEATEDLY there is one cost of $9.95 for delivery and handling. Once the bundle came, the bill was for $109.90! $99.95 as well as the $9.95 for delivery. I named the 'customer support' quantity and got requests providing details about the merchandise. It began by informing me "... The easiest way to obtain a solution for your concerns would be to contact us at That is where I came across all of the grievances about them... Dopes~they introduced me the following!

I can not let you know just how to solve your condition with Smoking Aid but for me, I had been recommended to stop my card prior to the cost was removed... Done and completed!

Yours truly,

They attempted to mess using the wrong person

Company: Smoke Assist
Country: USA
State: Connecticut
City: Milford
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Smoke Assist
Fraud fraud fraud

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Credit card

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Satisfaction Guaranteed

Credit card

Fraud in advertising

Satisfaction gaureented
Unauthorized premium charges

Satisfaction Guaranteed