Aurum Advisors
Big ripp off!

Business & Finance

I have invested my life savings with Aurum Advisors.

I looks like I have lost over half.

Have been trying to retreive my money for almost three weeks now and no one is available to take my calls, 22 of them.

It appears they they charge around 1K per coin above the actual value. This is is justified by saying that they are traded in some sort of rare coin market that costs $4300 to join. I have yet to find this so-called market.

I originally invested 50K. Their latest valuation is 63K Not bad-but try to cash it in. All of sudden nobodys home.

The gold is held in trust and I seems I can access it but only a real market thtough another. Right now the gold held is worth about 24K. I invested 50K. It appears more then half is stolen.

I am in contact with the DOJ Fraud section and I will keep you posted.

I will post an apoligy if somehow this is straightened out. But I doubt it. Needless to say stay away from Aurum like the Swine Flu!

Company: Aurum Advisors
Country: USA
State: California
City: Los Angeles
Address: 1801 Century Park East
Phone: 3105569667
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