Acs Incorporation
I was sent an email saying they have tried. To reach me by phone multiple tines which put me into the postion where i was going to be sued for the amount of 4515.85 if i didnt pay the 986.85 i owed the internet

Business & Finance

I was sent an email saying I owed $986.85 for some loan (that I never did) and I had 48 hours to pay it or I would be taken to court and sued for a total amount of 4515.85. It gave me a number to call and to freeze the case closed or it would be taken into further action.

Company: Acs Incorporation
Country: USA
Phone: 13479830385
  <     >  


Acs incorporation collection
This people send me an email stating that i owed them 986.45 and if I dont pay it in 48 hrs i will suit and will need to pay 4515.85

ACS Incorporation
Bogus Collections on fake debt, threats of legal suit downloaded against you within 48 hours, pay now Internet

Acs Incorporation
Sent Email filled with THREATS! Jail, Expensive Legal Fees!

Acs incorporation
Treatened to have me arrested internet

ACS Incorporation
Continuos calls saying money is owed for internet loan. Threaten to sue

Got this today saying there going to sue me if i dont pay them within 48hrs some city

Acs Legal Group
Williamdavis. Saying there is a lawsuite against me

ACS Incorporation
They said they had a lawsuit and had tried to call and sent mail to me and I owed them$782.33

Cash Advance USA
Threatened legal action for not paying a loan I never took

Acs incorporation
Email me and said i had 48 hours to pay 945.67 dollars and if not it would turn into 4000.00 and they would take me to court