Sidell law P.C., Moss sidell
Attorney Moss Sidell ignores all state laws regarding collecting upfront fees from distressed homeowners! Beware!

Business & Finance

Attorney sidell and his gang are still collecting upfront fees illegally. I called the mass. Ag's office 617-727-8400 and the bbo at 617-728-8700 to report him. I was told he is being investigated currently for collecting fees, not refunding and not finishing the work.

He has had 2 different companys from the same office and he continues his scam to this day. Please do not give him or his henchmen any monies upfront or you will get burned like we did. If you've already been burned, call the numbers above and make your complaint.
He will probably lose his license for this illegal and unethical scam.
Also, he is a terrible attorney, and he is lazy!!!

So beware!

Company: Sidell law P.C., Moss sidell
Country: USA
State: Massachusetts
City: Newton
Address: 233 needham street
Phone: 6172029069
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Sidell Law P.C. Moss Sidell
Creative has anyone seen the article on moss sidell in the april 29

Sidell Law PC
Moss sidell Sidell has ignored all calls, " he put me through hell"

Sidell Law Pc, moss sidell, creative loan mod
Moss sidell Sidell lied in small claims court by AG and Bar association are hot on his tail

Sidell Law Pc, moss sidell, creative loan mod
This is the same lawyer from creative loan modification who the boston herald ran a "beware"article on april 29, for taking advantage of homeowners, charging illegal upfront fees!

Sidell law pc
Creative loan mod It is illegal to charge any upfront fees for a loan modification

Sidell Law Pc, moss sidell
This attorneymoss sidell pulled a "pump and dump"scam on mass. Homeoners, real scuzball

Sidell Law P.C. Moss Sidell
American I called the Ag's office for a reference and was told not to do business with Sidell law for a modification

Sidell Law Offices
Moss sidell p.C., creative loan modifications ltd sidell took my tax refund and put me in foreclosure! Massachusetts

Moss sidell
American consultants I dont think an attorney is still working my case? Does anyone know what happened with Sidell? He doesnt return my calls

Sidell law pc, american consultants
Moss sidell we thought we would get help with this attorney who brags on the radio, we got scammed royally, he is a buffoon!