Pacific Heights Fc
Rita Hoover ripoff

Business & Finance

Ms hoover called me because I really needed a loan. Stated that I would get the loan, but I would have to pay a payment up front. It sounded funny so I told her I needed something to see. She send me alot and I felt better but well I was wrong and was ridded off.

Company: Pacific Heights Fc
Country: USA
State: South Dakota
City: Sioux Falls
Address: 300 N Dakota Ave ML, Sioux Falls, SD
Phone: 18669644154
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Rita Hoover, and Molly Rita Hoover called me and told me I was approved for a 5000 loan, due to poor credit that i would have to make the 6 months payment upfront of 730.00 and i would not have a payment due til march. Talk

Pacific Heights Financial Cente
Consumer Report

Pacific Heights Financial Center
Pacific Heights FC Rita Hoover scamme

Pacific Heights Financial Cente
Consumer Report

Bad product

Dish Network
Fraudulent billing - do not sign up for 18 month service Nationwide

Hoover Police Department
Speed traps for revenue enhancement judicial and police corruption


Hoover Candy
Consumer Report

Hoover, Inc
I purchased a Hoover Nano Cyclone from WalMart where I live. I have talked to 3 customer service reps. I was told by each one that there are no Technical Service in our area