Lobel Financial
Harrassment! 6- 7 calls a day! Internet

Business & Finance

Lobel FInancial is such a sack of s* company. I was laid off and asked them for help and they wouldnt help. I sent them letters, faxes, updated my contact informatin with them and they claim they never received it. I have asked over ten times during calls and letters, to send me my remaining balance on the account and never get it. This place is horrible! We have a lady calling us 7 times a day because we are still trying to catch up from me being laid off. SHe barely speaks english! It is illegal to call that many times in a day! Sometimes they call, hang up, and call right back! They are the worse company ever and no matter how many times we all complain, they are still in business and no one does anything about it! One time, i made a payment and the repo guy still came out to get my car! TWO DAYS AFTER MY PAYMENT WAS MADE, repo dude shows up and wonders why we are angry. We hate this company! They dont help people when we need it, and on top of that, how does a company that has been open for 30 years NOT HAVE THE ABILITY TO PAY ONLINE AND VIEW ACCOUNT INFO ONLINE??? Wth??? I hope one day they go out of business, business are supposed to make customers happy, but this place is a pile!

Company: Lobel Financial
Country: USA
Site: lobelfinancial.com
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Lobel Financial
Lobel financial are thieves!

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I was a $ 100. Oo dollars a way from paying off my truck repo it and said i owed late payment

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Lobel financial
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Lobel Financial
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Lobel Financial