Cross Country Bank
Misleading, Illegal, Fraudulant Credit Reporting Tactics!

Business & Finance

Consumer BEWARE! If you're thinking about accepting a credit card account with Cross Country Bank—DON'T! This so-called "bank" has the ethics of back-alley scheisters! Be prepared to fight bad, and misleading credit reporting with the Credit Reporting Agencies even if you've always been on time; even if you've received Federal protection under Chapter 7 Bankruptcy years ago!

Currently, 4, I have sent a dispute to the three major CRA's (credit reporting agencies) about this bank that continues to report false information on me, and my husband when we are no longer liable for our old credit card debt since 1999!

They use deceptive tactics when reporting you the moment they feel that the account is about to be taken off your credit, so that they can resubmit false information in order to ruin your credit status!

It all started back in 1999 after we had been forced to file for Chapter 7. They immediately reported the account as having been delinquent 120 days when I had ALL the proof that we had NEVER been late in our payments even up to filing our Bankruptcy petition!

Since we didn't want any more credit anyhow, we didn't dispute this false information, yet somehow the CRA's are wisening up to scheister-credit grantors' false reporting to them, and perhaps asked for proof of the 120 days of alleged delinquencies, which they, of course, couldn't produce; therefore, were forced correct.

So as the years went by, I, as an educated consumer of consumer rights, pulled both my husband's and my credit reports, and discovered that Cross Country, out of all the creditors listed in our Bankruptcy petition, was continuing to report false and misleading information, now saying that the account was an installment account! It never was!

They are reporting different things to different CRA's; reporting, for example on our Experian report that this once revolving account that had evolved into an installment account, was discharged through BK Ch. 7,11, or 12 on 07/31/1999 which is false.

On my husband's Trans Union report, they report that the account (that miraculously went from being a revolving account to an installment account) was charged off on 8!

Needless to say, we are disputing these false and misleading reportings of this bank, but my advice to anyone even considering accepting an account with this ruthless, unethical "bank"—DON'T!

I will keep you updated on the results of the credit reporting agency dispute regarding Cross Country Bank.

Company: Cross Country Bank
Country: USA
State: Florida
City: Boca Raton
Address: P.O. Box 310711
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