Upstate Management Services

Business & Finance

These idiots are a huge scam beware. These people are greedy and will lie illegally to get money out of you. These are not legal debt collection practice. 1. They are trying to attempt to collect a debt after filing Chapter 7 bankruptcy and the original lender was included. 2. They are calling to lie saying a legal courier is going to be serving papers to appear in court, but they do not file with the courts, they are lying to pressuring you. I have confronted this company about that, and they deny it, but I told them my attorney listened to the call and you are lying right now. This is unacceptable and I am meeting with my attorney for grounds to sue this company for Unfair debt collection practices. I am just glad I saved my voicemail with the evidence. For those that read this, record every call you have with this company as they can not be trusted. And will try to deny everything as such in my case, but if you can record the calls, they have no ground to stand on or should I say lie on.

Company: Upstate Management Services
Country: USA
State: Arizona
City: Phoenix
Address: 5140 Main St Williamsville, New York 14221
Phone: 18773979476
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